Nikon D70 & Nikkor 24-120mm at 120mm, 1/100s, f11, & ISO 200
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Look At Me
This Snowy Egret (egretta thula) is trying to attract a mate by showing off its feathers. Does it remind you of Kramer from Seinfeld?
Nikon D70 &Nikkor 80-400mm at 310mm, 1/160s, f5.3, & ISO 200
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Show Off
This Great Egret (ardea alba) mom, shows off her plumes as she builds a nest at St Augustine Alligator Farm.
Nikon D70 & Nikkor 80-400mm at 200mm, 1/200s, f5.3, & ISO 200
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Tricolored Heron
The beaks on these birds are a freaky blue and their red eyes are weird. I wonder if Edgar Allen Poe ever wrote a story about them. I saw this wild egretta tricolor at the St Augustine Alligator Farm.
Nikon D70 & Nikkor 80-400mm at 310mm, 1/160s, f5.3, & ISO 200
Friday, April 20, 2007
White Ibis
Sunday was very stormy at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Most of the wading birds were huddled down in the canals and behind wind breaks. Eudocimus albus
Nikon D70 & Nikkor 80-400mm at 330mm, 1/60s, f11, & ISO 200
Friday, April 13, 2007
Cattle Egret
I am at the First Coast Birding & Nature Festival in St Augustine. There are an amazing number of birds & photographers here. I took this at the St Augustine Alligator Farm. The name sounds kind touristy, but they have a rookery as well. We could get to within a couple feet of some nests. (Bubulcus ibis)
Nikon D70 & 80-400mm at 300mm, 1/250s, f5.3, & ISO 200
Monday, April 09, 2007
Cedar Waxwing
Bombycilla cedrorum at the South Carolina Botanical Garden. Looks like he perched on a can of yellow paint ;-)
Nikon D70 & Nikkor 80-400mm at 340mm, 1/160s, f5.6, & ISO 200
Friday, April 06, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Turkey Trot
I had been taking some vertical motion blur pics and the camera was still set for long exposures. As I was driving back to town, I saw three young turkeys walking across a pasture. When they saw my truck, they picked up the pace. Nikon D70 & Nikkor 24-120mm at 120mm, 1/15s, f10, & ISO 200